Transeuropean Highspeed-Logistics
Direct- and special journeys, Air Charter, Next Flight Out
When the demands on a transport increase, we come into play. Centrally coordinated from our locations in Vaihingen / Enz, Munich, Turkey, Poland and Hungary, we offer you a comprehensive high-speed express service within Europe.
We rely on excellently trained staff, a strong international network and our own fleet of vehicles that cover almost every logistical need. This makes us responsive and efficient, and ensures you the crucial freedom of action to solve any time-defined challenge. That’s what we stand for. For more than 30 years now!
Your benefits:
- Save time: Collection of consignments in Germany within 60 minutes
- Service: Available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day
- Flexibility: Access to over 1,500 vehicles of any type and size
- Transparency: Comprehensive information about transport progress with GPS tracking
- Network of partners and collection of consignments throughout Europe
- Quality management DIN ISO 9001 certified service quality
- One service provider- one contact person A one-stop comprehensive service